Trinity 101: New Families Welcome Page Trinity School Atlanta, Georgia
An elementary-only independent school located in Atlanta, serving children ages three through Sixth Grade since 1951.

Trinity School 101

Welcome to Trinity School

Congratulations on your admission to Trinity School! We are so excited to have your family join the Trinity community. We have created this Trinity 101 website, especially for our newly admitted families. This site includes everything you need to know as you prepare for the start of the 2024–25 school year. Be sure to check back here often for upcoming events, important announcements, registration links, and other information throughout the summer.
We hope to make your transition to Trinity School as smooth as possible for your entire family. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We are here for you!

The Admissions Team
Brad, Lauren, and Sarah Morgan

Let's Get Started

List of 9 items.



    ALTAcademic Leadership Team | Comprised of the Head of School, the Early Elementary Division and Upper Elementary Division Heads, the Director of Teaching and Learning, the Director of Curriculum, and the Director of Education Technology, ALT oversees the academic lives of students, teachers, and parents.

    AWACAllison Williams Activity Center | Named after Trinity’s founder, the Reverend Allison Williams, the AWAC is a dual-purpose gym for UED physical education and an auditorium for fine arts performances and school assemblies.

    EEDEarly Elementary Division | This part of the School is comprised of Early Learners through First Grade. Sheree Du Preez ("Ms. Sheree") is the EED Head. The EED classrooms are located on the lower level of the School.

    EP - Extended Programs | Trinity's robust after-school program that allows students to explore, discover, and grow together through structured activities and play. 

    LTLeadership Team | Oversees all school operations and programs

    TTTTrinity Time Together | School-wide assemblies held at 8:15 AM throughout the year in AWAC. Any changes to the TTT schedule will be communicated through the School’s traditional channels.

    TTWTrinity This Week | A weekly, electronic newsletter distributed to parents, Trustees, faculty, and staff via email on Thursdays at 10 AM during the school year. 

    UEDUpper Elementary Division | This part of the School is comprised of Second through Sixth Grade. Ira Dawson ("Mr. Dawson") is the UED Head. The UED classrooms are located on the upper level of the School.

    TSPA (Trinity School Parents' Association): All parents of Trinity students are members of the Trinity School Parents’ Association. Parent involvement at Trinity is vital to the School’s success, and the strong working relationship between the School’s parents and its faculty and staff strengthens the Trinity Experience for the entire community. Annual dues (paid along with the May tuition payment) support school-wide events, committees, and other student enrichment programs. A full listing of TSPA officers and activities can be found in the School calendar.

    Room Parents: Representatives from each class who coordinate all volunteers for classroom parties, field trips, special events, and more.

    Grade Level Representatives: A representative from each grade who acts as the link between the School and the parents in the grade. Grade Level Reps communicate important grade-specific information to parents and work with the Administration on many parent and student issues.

    Trinity School was founded in 1951 as part of Trinity Presbyterian Church. The School became independent from the church in 1973, but we maintain a close relationship. The School moved into our current facilities in the summer of 2002.
    Trinity School has a rich history from which many of our values and traditions originated. In 1963, we became the first Atlanta independent school to integrate, and we greatly value our diverse population and provide a warm and welcoming learning environment. Trinity is noted for child-centered instruction and curriculum that unearth passions and allow students to discover the excitement, richness, and joy of learning. Our mission expresses our intent to prepare each child to “achieve his or her unique potential as a responsible, productive, and compassionate member of the School and greater community.” In every class, at every level, our students learn to think deeply, explore freely, and express themselves with confidence.

    REPORTING AN ABSENCE Send an email to this address (along with your child's base classroom teachers) if your child will be absent from school on a given day. Be sure to include your child's name, the reason for the absence, and symptoms of illness (if applicable).

    UED New Student Welcome Party
    On May 5, we can't wait for our new students entering Second through Sixth Grade to grab a slice or two (or three!) at the Upper Elementary Pizza Party that will also include time on the playground, Kona Ice, and special gift bags.

    *Please be on the lookout for an Evite to this event.

    EED New Student Welcome Party

    On May 19, our new students entering Early Learners through First Grade will have a blast at our Early Elementary Playground Party that will include Kona Ice, special gift bags, and, of course, time on the playground. Our time together will be split between grade levels, but if you have multiple children entering the EED, please feel free to choose the time that works best for your family.
    • Kindergarten and First Grade: 2 PM–3 PM
    • Early Learners and Pre-K: 3 PM–4 PM
    *Please be on the lookout for an Evite to this event.
    Popsicles on the Playground
    We want all new Early Elementary students and their families to join us for some fun and popsicles on the playground. These on-campus events are a great opportunity for students and parents alike to connect with new friends before the beginning of the school year. Register your child for his or her Popsicles on the Playground here.

    • Tuesday, July 9: Rising Kindergarten and First Graders
    • Thursday, July 11: Rising Early Learners and Pre-K students
    • Wednesday, July 24: Rising Early Learners–First Graders
  • 2024-25 MAJOR DATES

    The following are the major calendar dates for the 2024–25 school year. These dates are subject to change and for planning purposes only.
    2024-2025 School Calendar Major Dates
    New Faculty/Staff Orientation: Thursday, August 1, and Monday, August 5

    Pre-Planning for all Faculty/Staff Begins: Tuesday, August 6

    Visitation Day: Wednesday, August 14

    First Day of School: Thursday, August 15

    Labor Day (School Closed): Monday, September 2

    Fall Break: Monday, October 14 (School Closed), and Tuesday, October 15 (No School for Students, Faculty/Staff Professional Development Day)

    Grand Day: Friday, October 18

    Thanksgiving Break (School Closed): November 25–29

    Upper Elementary Holiday Program: Friday, December 20

    Winter Break: Monday, December 23–Friday, January 3

    Faculty Work Day/No School for Students: Monday, January 6

    School Resumes after Winter Break: Tuesday, January 7

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day (School Closed): Monday, January 20

    Presidents’ Day Break: Monday, February 17 (School Closed), and Tuesday, February 18 (Faculty/Staff Professional Development Day, No School for Students)

    Spring Break: March 3–7

    Easter Break (School Closed): Friday, April 18–Monday, April 21

    Sixth Grade Graduation: Friday, May 23

    Memorial Day (School Closed): Monday, May 26

    Summer Camp, Sessions 1–4: June 2–27

    Juneteenth (School Closed): Thursday, June 19

    Join us for a Uniform Retread Sale, a.k.a., used uniform sale, on Friday, May 10, from 7:45–9 AM at Trinity School. All Kindergarten through Sixth-Grade students are required to wear uniforms, and this is a great opportunity to purchase gently used uniforms at a reduced price and to support TSPA (Trinity School Parents’ Association). The sale is cash, check, or credit card only.

    There are Retread Sales throughout the school year, including right after school starts, and you may also purchase new Trinity School uniforms through Lands’ End.

    Trinity School’s robust after-school program, called Extended Programs (a.k.a. EP), offers Core Classes and Special Classes. Core Classes are a mix of structured and unstructured after-school activities—such as playground time and monitored study time—that are led by Extended Programs Teachers and include a class that runs until 6 PM. Special Classes focus on students’ interests—such as Chess, STEAM, and Yoga—and are led by Trinity Teachers or experts from the community. Early Learners will be eligible for Core classes in the fall and both Core and Special Classes beginning in the spring semester.
    Through a variety of possibilities designed to best meet the needs of each family, parents may choose to have their children engaged in one after-school activity or a number of after-school offerings.

    Cost Per Semester for Extended Programs Core Classes

    Grade Level(s)2 PM Carpool3 PM Carpool4 PM Carpool
    *No 4 PM Carpool
    on Fridays
    6 PM Pick-Up
    Early Learners$1,400
    12:30–2 PM
    12:30–3 PM
    12:30–4 PM
    12:30–6 PM (Fri)
    12:30–6 PM
    Pre-K and KindergartenN/A$650
    2–3 PM
    2–4 PM
    2–6 PM (Fri)
    2–6 PM
    First–Sixth GradesN/A$130
    2–3 PM
    Friday Only
    3–4 PM
    3–6 PM (Fri)
    3–6 PM

    Prices above are based on a five-day week.

    Students can drop in to Extended Programs at any time for a fee of $20 per hour. If a student drops in for Lunch Bunch (12:30 to 2 PM), the charge is $30. 
    Please take note of the following important information regarding Extended Programs registration.
    • In June, you will be able to review Extended Programs’ offerings so that you can begin planning your children’s EP schedule for the fall.
    • Registration for fall EP classes will open on Tuesday, July 30. You will receive a reminder email on that day at 10 AM with the registration link.
    • Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and some classes fill up quickly.
    • Payment will be due at the time of registration and will be payable by credit card only.
    • Any class changes or cancellations will incur a $20 fee for each change.
    • The add/drop period (i.e., the timeframe to make changes or cancellations; please note the change fee information above) will run through Friday, September 6, at 5 PM.
    If you have any questions, please contact Director of Extended Programs Kayleen Whitmer at or 404-231-8117. Please note that the Extended Programs office is closed July 1 to 26, and any calls or emails received during that time will be returned once the office reopens.

    Trinity School requires students in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade to wear uniforms. Uniforms are optional for Early Learners and Pre-K students. All students are required to wear non-marking athletic shoes daily. Trinity's uniform vendor is Lands' End. Visit the online Lands' End Uniform Store to order clothing and review a listing of approved items. Trinity's Lands' End Preferred School Number is 900071762. A link to the Lands’ End online store can also be found on the School Uniforms board in MyTrinity.


    Children in Early Learners and Pre-K classes should be dressed according to the following guidelines. Please understand that young children at Trinity may get messy and dirty.

    • Clothing should be labeled with the child’s name.
    • School clothes need to fit. They should be roomy enough so that they do not inhibit gross motor movement in P.E., on the playground, and in music.
    • School clothes should be casual and comfortable.
    • Shirts should cover the midriff.
    • Clothes should not have holes or rips.
    • No jewelry (rings, bracelets, or necklaces) should be worn to the playground or P.E. classes.
    • On P.E. days, children should wear shorts, pants, jogging outfits, or loose-fitting clothing.
    • Tennis shoes or appropriate athletic footwear should be worn (no jellies, platform shoes, clogs, sandals, or boots).
    • All students should bring a pair of rain boots to keep at School for the academic year.


    • Clothing should be labeled with the child’s name.
    • Students are required to arrive on campus properly and neatly attired in uniform clothing as designated in the List of Approved Clothing Items that can be found on the Lands’ End Online Uniform Store.
    • Required regulation Trinity School uniform clothing must be purchased from Lands’ End or at the Retread Sales held at school throughout the year.
    • The Trinity School uniform logo must appear on all blouses, sweaters, sweatshirts, and fleeces.
    • Skirts must be mid-thigh or longer in length, and the waistband may not be rolled.
    • Oversized or undersized clothes are not appropriate.
    • Uniform “bike shorts” must be worn under skirts and jumpers.
    • Pants must not be worn around the hips.
    • Students must have their names clearly marked on the inside of all clothing and shoes.
    • Students may not deface their uniforms in any way.
    • Students must wear a belt when pants or shorts have belt loops.
    • Athletic or other closed-toed, non-marking soled shoes should be worn with the school uniform. Students must wear athletic shoes for P.E.
    • Kindergarten and First Grade students should bring a pair of rain boots to keep at school for the academic year.
    • Jewelry that has either material or sentimental value should not be worn to school as it might be lost or broken.
    • Socks, leggings, and tights may be purchased anywhere.
    • Students may choose their own outerwear, including coats and jackets. Outerwear may be worn on the way to and from school and on the playground. In the classroom, only uniform outerwear may be worn.
    • On field trips, students should wear uniform clothing that is appropriate for the outing. Teachers may suggest activity-appropriate apparel.
    • Students may wear their own non-uniform clothing for graduation, non-uniform days (which are listed in the school calendar), and the Trinity Holiday Program.
    • On a non-uniform day, students should follow the general appearance guidelines listed for the Early Learners and Pre-K students.
    • No monograms other than the school logo will be allowed on uniforms.

    Trinity School is a secure gated campus, and we are committed to the safety of our students and the entire Trinity community. All visitors and employees must have a Trinity School badge while on campus. Upon arriving and leaving campus, you will swipe your ID badge on a card reader at the Reception Desk. Other visitors will receive a temporary badge while on campus.   

    All Trinity families are issued two access control badges per household (one per parent). Additional badges for grandparents and caregivers may be ordered for a fee of $10. Every parent and caregiver who is a regular visitor at Trinity will be required to have a name badge. The badge will display your name and photo and will provide access to the campus, including the front gate. 

    Anthony Taylor, Systems Administrator, will be available to take badge photos throughout the summer. Please email Anthony at to make your appointment or an appointment for grandparents and caregivers.

    As part of Trinity's campus security measures, your badge photo will also be used as your profile photo in MyTrinity, the School's password-protected portal that is accessible by Trinity parents, faculty, and staff only.

    You will receive all necessary information regarding carpool instructions through summer communications. This information is provided as a brief overview.

    Morning Carpool
    • Begins at 7:30 AM and runs until 8 AM
    • Early morning drop-off is available free of charge beginning at 7:15 AM.
    • If morning carpool has ended when you arrive, you must walk your child inside and sign him/her in at Reception.
    Afternoon Carpool
    Early Learners – Begins at 12:30 PM Monday through Friday
    Pre-K, Kindergarten – Begins at 2 PM Monday through Friday
    First through Sixth Grade – Begins at 3 PM Monday through Thursday and at 2 PM on Friday

    Extended Programs Afternoon Carpool
    Early Learners Lunch Bunch –
    Begins at 2 PM Monday through Friday
    Early Learners through Kindergarten Extended Programs – Begins at 3 PM Monday through Friday
    Extended Programs (All Grades) Begins at 4 PM Monday through Thursday and 3 PM on Fridays

    Zip Code List: Trinity does not manage an official carpooling program. However, in order to assist with carpools, the Admissions Office will be happy to help you search the Family Directory by zip code for a list of families who live in your area.

    Signage: Please follow all signage on campus to ensure safety.  Make sure to exit to the right when leaving our gates. 

    No cell phone usage is permitted during carpool. Also, as part of our clean-air campaign, we ask that you turn your car off while waiting in the carpool line. Finally, please refrain from parking and leaving a car in the carpool lane at any time.

    What is it?
    The Trinity Fund is an annual appeal to all Trinity parents, grandparents, alumni, parents of alumni, Trustees, faculty, staff, and friends for gifts to support the School’s operating budget and top priorities. Like other independent schools, Trinity relies on philanthropic support each year to meet the financial needs of the School and to provide each student with the best possible education. Parent participation is critical to the School’s ability to secure outside funding. Each year, more than 95 percent of our parents make Trinity a philanthropic priority.
    Why do we have it?
    Tuition covers approximately 80 percent of the cost of a Trinity education. The School depends upon gifts to The Trinity Fund to help close the gap and to provide a margin of excellence for which the School is well-known. The Trinity Fund directly supports immediate needs and allows the School the flexibility to respond quickly to unexpected challenges.
    When is it?
    We kick off The Trinity Fund at the start of the school year, and it officially ends on June 30 of the following year. The School’s fiscal year is July 1 to June 30.
    How can I make a gift?
    The Trinity Fund accepts:
    • gifts of cash, check, or money order
    • gifts of stock or other securities
    • gifts via credit card or debit card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express)
    • gifts can be made in person, over the phone, via mail, or on the School’s secure website
    • pledges of any amount to be paid by June 30 of that school year
    Please contact Margaret Douglas, Director of Advancement, at 404-240-9446 or
    What is it? 
    An annual series of events organized as a benefit for Trinity School. Comprised of two main components, Spotlight on Art includes: the Artists Market on our campus and the Gala featuring live and silent auctions. Hundreds of Trinity parent volunteers develop relationships with artists, curate a spectacular selection of original art, and plan the details of several unique special events.
    Events are open to the public. Collectors and art lovers come from all over the Southeast. Friends are welcome! Proceeds benefit things such as professional development for teachers, financial aid for students, educational enhancements for the classrooms, as well as a non-profit organization chosen each fall by the Sixth Grade Leadership Class.
    What is the Artists Market?
    The Allison Williams Activity Center (AWAC) is converted to an art gallery for six days and is open to the public.
    • More than 300 artists are chosen to participate; from popular stars of the art world to emerging artists just beginning to make their marks.
    • Thousands of original works of art from fine art to decorative and functional pieces to jewelry are featured.
    • Prior to the Artists Market, Trinity hosts a Pop-Up Shop on campus during fall Parent-Teacher conferences. It's a wonderful preview of things to come during the Market.
    What is the Gala?
    Enjoy an evening featuring a sit-down dinner, drinks, dancing, and silent and live auctions. A limited number of tickets are sold, and this event typically sells out quickly.
    • The live auction is fast-paced and offers one-of-a-kind experiences and items.
    • The silent auction treasures include getaways, experiences, home items, gifts for men, women, and children, and more
    • If you are interested in making a donation to the auction, please contact Leisy Stevenson, Director of Spotlight on Art and Special Events, at 404-231-8119 or
    When is Spotlight on Art?
    The Artists Market
    January 27 - February 1, 2025
    AWAC, Trinity School Campus
    How can I find out about volunteering?
    There are many volunteer opportunities on the front lines or behind the scenes; for long commitments or just a few hours at a time, and for anyone with any time or desire to contribute!
    You’ll hear more about volunteering for the Artists Market and the Gala in official communications from Trinity and from your Host Family, Room Parent, and Grade Level Representative. Feel free to direct questions to them or contact Leisy Stevenson at 404-231-8119 or
    Also, be on the lookout for more information on signing up to volunteer with Spotlight on Art through our summer mailing.

Admissions Office

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Brad Brown

    Brad Brown 

    Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management
    Bennington College - MAT
    Furman University - BA
  • Photo of Sarah Morgan Bonham

    Sarah Morgan Bonham 

    Director of Outplacement
    Louisiana State University - MSW
    Vanderbilt University - BA
  • Photo of Lauren Darden

    Lauren Darden 

    Assistant Director
    University of Georgia - BS
© 2016-2024 Trinity School. All Rights Reserved
4301 Northside Parkway NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 |
Phone: 404-231-8100 | Fax: 404-231-8111