Trinity 101: New Families Welcome Page Trinity School Atlanta, Georgia
An elementary-only independent school located in Atlanta, serving children ages three through Sixth Grade since 1951.

Magnus Health

Student Medical Records

Trinity School utilizes an online system called Magnus Health to manage student health records. Once you receive access to Magnus Health and MyTrinity, you will log in to MyTrinity and click the Magnus Health tile to securely access your family’s Magnus Health account. No additional sign-on will be necessary. If you have trouble accessing Magnus Health through MyTrinity, please contact Database Manager Karen Johnson.
  • In accordance with state and federal health regulations, any child who does not have a completed record within Magnus by the first day of school will not be permitted to attend school until the record and all requirements are fulfilled.
  • We ask that you enter the health information required within your Magnus account for each child attending Trinity no later than July 31.
  • In our efforts to keep each child in the School’s care as safe and healthy as possible, it is vital to have health records, including current conditions, medication, health insurance, and local emergency contact information, that are accurate and easily accessible by the School’s clinic. Magnus Health offers a secure, easy-to-use way for parents to submit this important information.
  • Click here to review this organization's detailed privacy policy.
  • In Magnus, you will need to submit your child’s health information on the Magnus Health History Form. This form covers a wide range of developmental questions and potential health issues. Please note that many questions within the form are required, but some more specific sections of the form are optional.
  • You will be able to enter most of the health information required, however, if your child has a chronic illness such as asthma, severe allergies, diabetes, or seizures, a current emergency care plan signed by your doctor is required.
  • In addition, if your child is entering Pre-K or any grade level above Pre-K, then you must also provide the Georgia Form 3300 Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening. This form is required by the State one time only for each school the child attends in Georgia and must be completed by Georgia-licensed healthcare providers.
  • If you are a new Georgia resident, you will also need a Georgia pediatrician to review and update your child’s immunization records.
After you have received access to Magnus and had an opportunity to explore the website, please feel free to contact Nurse Debbie Bright at with any questions you may have. You may also contact Magnus Support directly by phone at 1-877-461-6831, by email at, or on their website at

Thank you in advance for entering your child’s information into the Magnus database. Your assistance will help ensure the School's ability to provide the best possible care for your child throughout the school year.

Magnus Health Forms

All forms described below are available as downloads on the right.

You will only provide this form the Trinity School one time:

Hearing Dental Nutrition Screening (GA Form 3300) – This form is required by the State of Georgia and must be completed and signed by Georgia-licensed healthcare providers. These providers have the blank form, you do not need to bring it to them. 
The following forms must be updated at least annually:
Medication Authorization Form – This form or a similar form is required for any medication to be routinely administered at school for more than a span of two weeks, and must be signed by the doctor and a parent.
Allergy Action Plan – This form or a similar form is required for any student who has a prescribed epinephrine auto-injector such as EpiPen or Auvi-Q. The plan must be signed by the doctor and a parent, and must include emergency contact information.
Asthma Action Plan – This form or a similar form is required for any student with or without a diagnosis of asthma who has a prescribed inhaled medication (by inhaler or nebulizer) to be used at school. The plan should include a statement that the student may or may not be permitted to use the inhaler without direct supervision. The plan must be signed by the doctor and a parent, and must include emergency contact information.
Diabetes Medical Management Plan – This form or a similar form is required for any student with a diagnosis of diabetes, must be signed by the doctor and a parent, and must include emergency contact information.
Seizure Action Plan – This form or a similar form is required for any student with diagnosis of seizure disorder, with or without a prescribed emergency medication. It must be signed by the doctor and a parent, and must include emergency contact information.

School Nurses

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Deborah Bright

    Deborah Bright 

    School Nurse
    St. Elizabeth Hospital School of Nursing - RN
  • Photo of Kelsey Ricci

    Kelsey Ricci 

    School Nurse
© 2016-2024 Trinity School. All Rights Reserved
4301 Northside Parkway NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 |
Phone: 404-231-8100 | Fax: 404-231-8111