All forms described below are available as downloads on the right.
You will only provide this form the Trinity School one time:
Vision Hearing Dental Nutrition Screening (GA Form 3300) – This form is required by the State of Georgia and must be completed and signed by Georgia-licensed healthcare providers. These providers have the blank form, you do not need to bring it to them.
The following forms must be updated at least annually:
Medication Authorization Form – This form or a similar form is required for any medication to be routinely administered at school for more than a span of two weeks, and must be signed by the doctor and a parent.
Allergy Action Plan – This form or a similar form is required for any student who has a prescribed epinephrine auto-injector such as EpiPen or Auvi-Q. The plan must be signed by the doctor and a parent, and must include emergency contact information.
Asthma Action Plan – This form or a similar form is required for any student with or without a diagnosis of asthma who has a prescribed inhaled medication (by inhaler or nebulizer) to be used at school. The plan should include a statement that the student may or may not be permitted to use the inhaler without direct supervision. The plan must be signed by the doctor and a parent, and must include emergency contact information.
Diabetes Medical Management Plan – This form or a similar form is required for any student with a diagnosis of diabetes, must be signed by the doctor and a parent, and must include emergency contact information.
Seizure Action Plan – This form or a similar form is required for any student with diagnosis of seizure disorder, with or without a prescribed emergency medication. It must be signed by the doctor and a parent, and must include emergency contact information.